Preparing Your Business for FinCEN’s BOI Reporting Rule

With the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirement now in effect, many businesses are wondering how to comply with this new rule issued by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Preparing early will help you avoid fines and penalties, ensuring a smooth filing process.

The first step is determining who qualifies as a beneficial owner. This includes anyone who exerts substantial control or has ownership of 25% or more in your business. It’s crucial to assess both direct and indirect control, so be sure to evaluate individuals who might have critical influence over decision-making even if they don’t own a large percentage of equity.

You will need the following details for each beneficial owner:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Residential or business address
  • A government-issued identification number (such as from a driver’s license or passport)

Having this information on hand before filing will streamline the process and ensure accuracy.

If filing for an entity formed in 2024, you will also need to provide similar details for “applicants”, namely those persons who filed formation or registration documents with the state of formation or registration.

New businesses must file their BOI reporting information upon formation. For existing businesses, FinCEN has provided a one-year grace period to comply, meaning the deadline for companies formed or registered prior to 2024 is January 1, 2025. Don’t wait until the last minute — start preparing now.

Develop internal procedures to ensure ongoing compliance. This could involve creating a system for regularly updating beneficial ownership information when ownership or critical management changes over time.

Consider seeking advice from compliance experts to ensure whether you meet all the requirements. While the BOIR filing might seem straightforward, nuances in ownership or control structures could complicate the process. Ensuring your business is prepared for BOI reporting compliance long before the applicable deadline is the exact sort of proactive approach that will save you time, reduce stress, and help avoid costly penalties.